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Sunday, February 7, 2010

CHUKAH - as ratified on Sunday, February 7, 2010

1.a  Tikkun HaShachar is a peer-led organization of Young Judaean alumni (including FZY), current chanichim (members) and interested parties that are looking for ways of supporting the movement after, and even during, their active lives as Young Judaeans.
1.b We are a charitable organization with the purpose of providing financial and other support to Young Judaea, as well as to bring alumni together from all over the world.
1.c Upon dissolution of our organization, our remaining assets must be used exclusively for exempt purposes, such as charitable, religious, educational, and/or scientific purposes. Possible recipients of said assets could be Young Judaea, Hadassah Medical Organization, or any other similar organization as the membership sees fit. It cannot be used for personal gain.

Article I: Alumni Membership

Section One: Qualifications: Any alumni of Young Judaea are eligible for membership in Tikkun HaShachar.  Alumni must uphold the mission of Tikkun HaShachar, and that of Young Judaea.  Voting members of Tikkun HaShachar must be alumni and must be 18 years or older.  Currently active and paid-up members of Young Judaea may be members of Tikkun HaShachar, and may participate, contribute and provide input into the organization, but may not have a vote.

Section Two: Disqualifications: Any member that is of age to participate in Young Judaea will not be eligible to be a voting member of Tikkun HaShachar.

Section Three: Behavior Any member who engages in behavior that is inappropriate will be reprimanded appropriately by the Mazkirut (elected Board of Directors).  The following are grounds for immediate lifetime expulsion: Use of Illegal substances, harassment of any kind, assault (any form), etc. Members under 21 will not be permitted to consume alcohol, any member found intoxicated under the age of 21 will be suspended until their 21st birthday.

Section Four: Dugma ishit
All alumni, especially those who have taken a leadership role, are to act in a manner of Dugma ishit (personal example). Dugma ishit is a person who upholds the values and ideology of Young Judaea & Tikkun HaShachar as stated in this Chukah (constitution & by-laws), and acts in a manner demonstrative of this. Becoming a leader is an involved learning process. First and foremost we recognize the importance of becoming dugmat ishit (personal examples), upholding the goals and principles of the T’nua (movement, referring to Young Judaea) with passion and commitment. As Dugma ishit, we should always be seeking ways to enhance our education about Judaism, Zionism, and hadracha (leadership).

Article II: National Mazkirut

Section 1: Terms of Service

Every member of the Mazkirut will serve on 2 year terms that will start on September 1st.

Section 2: Meetings

The first Mazkirut Meeting will be held by September 15th annually.  There will also be quarterly meetings that will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time and location. 

Section 3: Elections

Elections will be held at the National Summer Convention.  The nominations committee will ensure a proper election. One member of Mazkirut, can, upon the approval of the National Mazkir/a turn their vote over by proxy to another member of the National Mazkirut.

Section 4: Availability

All Members of Tikkun HaShachar will be available to all Alumni members.  Members of the Mazkirut have 7 business days to return any phone call or email.  In cases when they are out of town or unavailable, the member will arrange coverage with another Mazkirut member until their return. Availability does not have to be in-person, and, unless there are extenuating circumstances, may include telephone, internet and other forms of availability.

Section 5:  Vacancies

Any position that is vacant will be filled temporarily by a majority vote of the Mazkirut until the next national convention, where there will be an election.  This person will fill the remainder of the current Mazkirut’s term. 

Section 6: Attendance

The National Mazkirut is required to attend all National Events and conventions.  Attendance at Regional Events should be greater then 50%.  Attendance should ideally be in-person, however, under extenuating circumstances, and with advance notice and acceptance of the majority of fellow Mazkirut members, may include telephone, internet and other forms of attendance.

Section 7: Eligibility

Any member who is an alum of Young Judaea is eligible to be elected within each separate takfid (job) requirements.  Young Judaea Mazkirut experience is not required, however, having been a paid-up member of Young Judaea or FZY in the past is an absolute mandate.

Article III:  National Mazkirut L’ Tikkun HaShachar

Section 1: Mazkir/a

President of Tikkun HaShachar.  This person will also be a member of all committees and sub committees in an ex-officio capacity.  This person will steer and direct Tikkun HaShachar in a unified direction.  This person should have sat on the Mazkirut for at least 1 term previously.

Section 2: S’gan Mazkir/a

Vice President.  This member will serve as Mazkir/a in their absence.  This person will be the chairman of the Operations Committee.  This person will assist all members of Mazkirut.

Section 3: Merakez/et Cheshbon

Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer.  This person is responsible for all budget, finance, and fundraising operations.  This person will make all financial decisions with the express advice of the financial committee.

Section 4:  Merakez/et Artzit

National Regional Officer.  This person will serve as the coordinator and liaison to the Regional Programs and Regional Mazkirut.  This person should have been a Regional Mazkir/a prior.

Section 5: Merakez/et Tochnit

Programming and Educational Director.  This person will also serve as a resource for all Regional Tochnit positions, including the Young Judaea Mazkirut programming positions. 

Section 6: Merakez/et Pirsumim

Communications Director.  This person will ensure proper communications with the entire Alumni Organization.  This person will be responsible for  a minimum of 1 quarterly publication annually, this publication can be web based, and there should be 1 annual publication that is mailed to all members and act as the annual report.  This person will act as recording secretary at all National Mazkirut meetings.

Section 7: Kesher L’ Hadassah

Liaison to Hadassah. This person will be elected by the Alumni, and serve as the Young Judaea Alumni Relations Chairperson on Hadassah’s National Board.  This person must be a woman, and an alumna of Young Judaea.  The National Hadassah president may nominate a candidate for consideration to the Tikkun HaShachar membership, if she chooses to. Otherwise, the nomination will come from the membership body of Tikkun HaShachar and must be a currently paid-up annual or life member of Hadassah.

Section 8: Kesher L’ Yehudah HaTzair

Liaison to Young Judaea. This person will be a member of the Tikkun HaShachar Mazkirut but will not have voting privileges.  This member will be elected/appointed by the National Mazkir/a of Young Judaea.  This member will be the voice of the movement, and be the liaison between alumni and current members of Young Judaea.  This position will be annual and start and end according to the Young Judaea calendar.

Article IV: Regional Mazkirut

Section 1: Term of Service

This person will serve 2 year terms, each regional Mazkir/a will be elected by the Regional Alumni at the Regional Event preceding the end of the term.   There are no term limits on this role.

Section 2: Meetings

This will be at the discretion of the Regional Mazkir/a.  At minimum there will be a regional meeting with report to contribute to the National Meeting. 

Section 3: Mazkir/a

This person is responsible for all activities and events.  This person will sit on the Artzit committee and represent the Alumni and the Young Judaea members of their region.  In the event of the Mazkir/a’s absence, the Merakez/et Artzit will appoint a local liaison to provide coverage as needed.

Section 4: Merakez/et Tochnit                                                                         

This person will serve as the Senior Advisor to the Young Judaea Mazkirut.  This person will also serve as the assistant to the Mazkir/a.

Article V: Va’ad Artzit

Section One:  Chairman
The Va’ad Artzit will be chaired by the Merakez/et Artzit.

Section Two: Meetings
There will be two meetings annually.  These meetings should occur no later than November & May. 

Section Three: Minutes
The Merakez/et Artzit will appoint a recording secretary to document and record all notes and minutes of all meetings and discussions.

Section Four: Voting
Each Regional Mazkir/a will be entitled to one (1) vote.  In the event the Mazkir/a is unavailable they can proxy and send someone in their place.

Section Five: Fundraising
Each Region will be asked by the Merakez/et Cheshbon to make a financial contribution by the Alumni of the region.  The minimum goal for each Azor to retain their voting privileges is $180.00 per year.  This money will be due quarterly by the 1st of the month in the amount of $45.00. 

Section Six: Committees
The Merakez/et Artzit has the authority to create and assign Mazkirim to committees.  The Merakez/et Artzit will set task and direction of all committees, and sit as member ex-officio.  Each committee will have a chairperson as designated by the Merakez/et Artzit

Section Seven: Committee Chairperson
The chairperson of each committee will report to the Merakez/et Artzit monthly, on the progress and status of the committee.  Each committee will be required to assign a recording secretary to document and keep track of all minutes and discussions.  These minutes will be sent to the Chairperson within 5 business days of the meeting.  A copy of the minutes will also be sent to the Merakez/et Artzit.

Section Eight: Standing Committees
Nominations                      Merakez/et Artzit or to be assigned by the Merakez/et Artzit
Fundraising                        Chairperson: Merakez/et Cheshbon
Finance                                                Chairpersons: CPA, Merakez/et Cheshbon
Legal                                     Chairperson: Attorney
Summer Convention      Mazkir/a, S’gan Mazkir/a, Merakez/et Tochnit, Merakez/et Artzit
Winter Convention         Mazkir/a, S’gan Mazkir/a, Merakez/et Tochnit, Merakez/et Artzit
Programming                    Chairperson: Merakez/et Tochnit

Article VI: Va’ad Shichva

Section One: Representation
Each Shichva  will be represented by a Shichva Mazkir/a.  The first term will be served by the outgoing National Mazkir/a of the Young Judaea Mazkirut.

Section Two: Term of Office
Each Shichva Mazkir/a will serve 4 year terms.

Section Three: Elections
Each Shichva will elect their Mazkir/a at the National Summer Convention.

Section Four: Committees
In the event the Shichva is undertaking a specific project, the Mazkir/a will have the authority to commission a committee to assist with the specific task.  Each Committee will have a chairperson, and there will be specific standing Shichva committees.

Section Five: Standing Committees
Social Action

Section Six: Fundraising
Each Shichva will be responsible to assist in the fundraising effort, and set there own goals.  Each goal will be submitted to the Merakez/et Cheshbon.  This goal is based on the 4 year term of office for the Mazkirut.  The minimum goal for each Shichva to retain their voting privileges is $90.00 per year.  This money will be due quarterly by the 1st of the month in the amount of $22.50. 

Section Seven: Meetings
Va’ad Shichva will convene in coordination with the Merakez/et Artzit.  There will be two meetings annually.  These meetings should occur no later than November & May. 

Section Eight: Minutes
The Merakez/et Artzit will appoint a recording secretary to document and record all notes and minutes of all meetings and discussions.

Section Nine: Voting
Each Regional Mazkir/a will be entitled to one (1) vote.  In the event the Mazkir/a is unavailable they can proxy and send someone in there place.

Article VII: National Summer Convention (Veida Leumi Kayitz)

Section One: Purpose
This convention will serve as the Annual Meeting, and Program for the entire alumni association.

Section Two: Location
At all times we are to attempt to utilize the camps in the Young Judaea movement, based on size.

Section Three: Committee
The Mazkir/a will appoint 1 Committee Chairperson to assist in the planning and preparation.   This committee will be supervised by the S’gan Mazkir/a.

Section Four: Nominations
In the year of elections, the nomination committee will solicit and coordinate all candidates that will be running for Mazkirut Alumni & Va’ad Shichva.

Section Five: Elections
Elections will occur after candidate caucusing and time to meet and question all candidates.  After time passes the polls will be open and ballots will be cast.  Any tampering with the elections will result in disciplinary action, and all ballots will be destroyed and re-issued and a new election will take place. 

 Section Six: Ballot Counting
This will be by a committee that is chaired by the Nominations Committee.  This committee will also have 6 people counting ballots simultaneously.  Ballot results will be kept secret until announced at Asepha (elections).

Section Seven: Tie-Breaker
In the event of a tie, the top 2 or more people involved in the tie, and the Asepha body will vote using the standing method.  Acclimation is not an option.

Section Eight: Asepha Minutes
The S’gan Mazkir/a will be responsible for keeping and reporting the minutes as needed.  In the event the S’gan Mazkir/a is unable to serve in this function, he/she is authorized to appoint a Asepha Secretary and this person will keep and record all minutes.

Article VIII: National Midwinter Convention (Veida Leumi Choref)

Section One: Purpose
This convention will serve as the annual education programming.

Section Two: Location
This convention will be held at a location determined by the National Midwinter Committee. 

Section Three: Kupah
Kupah will be made available as needed and when available.

Article IX: Events

Section One: Religious Policy
All events will follow a modified version of the Young Judaea Religious Policy.

Section Two: Young Judaea is a Zionist youth movement that seeks to unite the Jewish people physically while also seeking a sense of national unity and understanding among the diverse groups of Jews. Zionism is an innately pluralist movement and Young Judaea realizes that if we are to truly be a Zionist movement, we must also be pluralist. It is the feeling of the Young Judaea that the Jewish people are one unified nation that should and must act in that way. To reach this goal, Young Judaea works as a pluralist youth movement which accepts and encourages members from all branches of Judaism.

Section Three: Pluralism is defined as the realization and acceptance of the differences within our oneness. In the realization, we accept that we are all different and, therefore, refuse to force anybody to sacrifice their differences. We also accept these differences and the acceptance of them makes us stronger. To fulfill this goal we attempt to satisfy each and every chaver/a T’nua to the best of the T’nua’s ability by facilitating an environment that allows each and every chaver/at T’nua to tailor his/her religious observance to his/her needs.

Section Four: There is no such thing as Zionism without Judaism. The terms are inseparable. There is so much in our religion that is beautiful and dynamic that to ignore it would be neglecting our commitment to our own development and that of the Jewish people. In Young Judaea, we do T’fillot, and observe Shabbat, Chagim, and Kashrut together. Through these observances we experience something that may not be a part of our daily lives. In order to increase the spiritual and communal value of these practices, a clear religious policy should be established and education should be implemented to inform chevre T’nua as to the laws behind these practices.

Section Five:
The religious policy will be as follows:
I.         Shabbat and Chagim
A.   Every member should do their best not to arrive/leave an event during Shabbat and/or Chag.
B.   Out of the respect for Shabbat and Chagim chevre T’nua should not publicly desecrate the Shabbat and/or Chag. This means that chevre T’nua should not:
1.       Use electricity in public (i.e. play music, use hair dryers, etc.)
2.       Write or tear in public
II.       Kashrut
A.   Food
1.   All food bought and sold should be kosher
2.   Snacks and Meals should be kosher
3.   All Tikkun HaShachar trips or outside activities should have kosher food provided
4. No fundraiser should include the sale of non-kosher food/wines
5. Attendees should be asked in advance with reference to food allergies, and, when noted, an alternative should be provided
6. A vegetarian alternative should be made available, either by advance notice or provided as a standard option
B.   There must be a waiting period of four hours (or longer if anyone observes a longer waiting period) after eating a meat meal until dairy food may be served.

III.      T’fillot
A.   T’fillot should be respected. Attendance should be encouraged regardless of one’s religious beliefs.
B.   The planning and leading of T’fillot should be taken with the utmost care and seriousness and with the emphasis on knowledge of execution and creativity.
C.   T’fillot should be made available at least:
1.   Once a day
2.   On Friday Nights
3.   Shabbat Morning
4.   Havdallah
      D. Traditional Young Judaean-inspired services may be offered. It will be the responsibility of the event participants to see that each service has the necessary minyan.
 IV.  Kippot
A.   Kippot are encouraged to be worn during t'fillot and meals. 

Section Two: Medical Coverage
Events are encouraged to be staffed by a Paramedic, Nurse or Doctor to provide emergency medical treatment.  This person may be an alumni volunteer. 

Section Three: Registration
All event registration will be made as easily as possible.  There will be a way to register and pay via the Internet.  There will also be a specific mailing of the event. Depending on the event, online transactions may require an additional fee.

Section Four: Venue
Venues  are to be family friendly and should be able to support entire families’ attendance and participation, in the event the venue is only for adults, Tikkun HaShachar should attempt to coordinate a central location for child care to encourage alumni to attend.

Article X: Legal Information

Section One:  Contract
This article is not a valid contract, and can be changed by Tikkun HaShachar as needed and warranted. 

Section Two: Salaries
All Alumni Mazkirut  & Committee positions are voluntary and do not draw a salary.

Article XI: Amendments

Section One: Process
Any amendment proposed to the Chukah, shall be submitted to the Merakez/et Artzit within 90 days of a National Convention.  The Merakez/et Artzit will process and prepare all amendments for caucus, and voting.  Amendments need 2/3 majority to pass as an amendment.  If a simple majority is the result, the amendment will be a resolution and need to be re-voted on at the following convention.  Failure to re-vote on the resolution will cause it to be removed from the Chukah.

Article XII: Regional & Merchav Structure

Section ONE: Merchavim: There are six Merchav, or larger regional, ways to structure geography.
·         Northeast Merchav: Empiria, Ya’ar Penn, Ganei Yehudah, Uri Tsafon, Eyey Tzion
·         Southeast Merchav: G’lil Yam, Lev Hadarom, Or Hadarom
·         Midwest Merchav: Ruach B’Tzion, Ayelet Hashachar, Pneinu Artza
·         TOL Merchav: Ookaf Hadarom
·         West Merchav: Yoreh, Ruach Hama’arav, Chagurat Hashemesh
·         International

Section TWO: Azorim: There are 15 regions (Azorim) in Young Judaea, and, ideally, Tikkun HaShachar will be seen in those same regions.  The Azorim are:
·         Uri Tsafon (New England): Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island.
·         Empiria (Empire): Upstate New York (all of New York north of New York City), and the Montreal Club.
·         Ganei Yehudah (New Jersey): All parts of New Jersey except for the Cherry Hill Club and Vineland Club. (South Jersey.
·         Ya’ar Penn (Eastern Pennsylvania): The eastern half of the state of Pennsylvania, and southern New Jersey, including the Cherry Hill and Vineland Clubs.
·         Iyeh Tzion (Long Island and New York City):
·         G’lil Yam (Seaboard): Washington D.C, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina (excluding Hendersonville and Ashville to Tennessee), Delaware
·         Lev Hadarom (Heart of the South): Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Eastern Louisiana, Florida Pan-Handle. Hendersonville and Ashville, North Carolina. 
·         Or Hadarom (Light of the South): Florida (excluding the Pan Handle), Puerto Rico
·         Ookaf Hadarom (TOL): Texas (except the  El Paso Club), Oklahoma, Western Louisiana
·         Ruach B’Tzion (WPA): Western Pennsylvania and Wheeling West Virginia
·         Ayelet Hashachar (Central States): Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia (except Wheeling Club), Kentucky
·         Pneinu Artza (Midwest): Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas
·         Chagurat Hashemesh (Desert Mountain Region): Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Las Vegas, Nevada and El Paso, Texas
·         Yoreh (Pacific Northwest): Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska
·         Ruach Hama’arav (CNH): California, Nevada (except Las Vegas), Hawaii 
Article XIII: Hadracha

Section One: Purpose
The National Alumni Mazkirut is responsible for providing Leadership Training for the Alumni Mazkirut, Artzit, and Young Judaea Mazkirut including the National Mazkirut. Leadership Training will also be offered to the chanichim, if any current Y0ung Judaean requests it of us.

Section Two: Chairperson
This committee will be chaired by the Merakez/et Tochnit.

Section Three: Location & When
This location will be determined by the Leadership Training Seminar committee. This seminar should be held in the months of November or December. 

Section Four: Committee
This committee will include the Young Judaea National Mazkir/a.

This document has been reviewed by the membership and was voted into place on the 7th day of the month of February of the year 2010.

Signed by:

 RM  2/7/2010
Rica Mendes, Founding Mazkira (President and member of the Board of Directors)

 AB     2/7/2010
Aaron Bigio, Founding S’gan Mazkir (Vice President and member of the Board of Directors)

On behalf of the rest of the Mazkirut and the membership of Tikkun HaShachar
Wayne Gotlieb, Merakez Cheshbon, Verne Joyce, Merakez Artzit, Kesher l'Hadassah, Ruth Mendes

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